Minions 3 Illumination will produce a third Minions animated film from the Despicable Me franchise. Pierre Coffin returns to...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Paramount is producing a third Sonic the Hedgehog based on the SEGA videogame series.
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The Sat sneaks were "throwback priced" as well. {nm}
Posted by: notfabio on Feb 03, 13:31 in response to Antibody's post THR: AMC Theaters extending its matinee ticket pricing to...
THR: AMC Theaters extending its matinee ticket pricing to all screenings of [80FBR]; Cinemark, Regal, Harkin too. CIneplex $8 for all. Antibody Feb 03, 13:28
The Sat sneaks were "throwback priced" as well. notfabio Feb 03, 13:31
Senior age 60+ is another $1 cheaper at AMC Century City {nm} Antibody Feb 03, 13:32
That's not gonna help the movie do decently this weekend despite the great start. TheWeekendWarrior Feb 03, 13:45
It would have helped had they promoted it with retirement age seniors, but they normally are going to go out to matinees anyway. {nm} notfabio Feb 03, 14:18
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