Summer Pick 7: maximum effort by Deadpool, Wolverine, and the Tornado Wranglers... Jul 29, 21:50
Oh...we hates Kevin Costner, we hates him very much. {nm} Jul 29, 22:38
Bought Horizon I & II at IPO and got massacred. Costner? Western? Four movie epic?! What could go wrong... {nm} Jul 30, 05:58
Same here! {nm} Jul 30, 06:26
I shorted it as it approached H$90m {nm} Jul 30, 06:26
I shorted at 52,98... way too late. Jul 30, 07:18
Uffff. I was so close to win this... all thanks to those Damn Dirty Apes¡¡¡ Unless Romulus over-overperforms¡¡¡ Hahahaha {nm} Jul 30, 09:43
Yeah, we can't let HSX LTD Leaderboard leader Oleg Max win Pick 7, too!!! :) {nm} Jul 30, 09:53
Actually, looking at your picks, I think you might win. It's definitely gonna be INOU2, DEAD3, DESP4 in that order... {nm} Jul 30, 09:56
That's the plan. If TWIS2 doesn't pass BADB4, I could get 7 of 8 perfect. {nm} Jul 30, 10:54
Worldwide domination¡¡¡ Hahaha. I think, Twisters will blow through the Boys by mid next week... {nm} Jul 30, 11:36