Beetle2uice reviews dropping from Venice (might actually be great!) Aug 28, 10:52
Only a 3 minute standing ovation at Venice which is typically TERRIBLE Aug 28, 12:48
Woody Allen's Coup De Chance, Roman Polanski's The Palace got 3 minutes. {nm} Aug 28, 12:49
Spencer got 3 minutes. Aug 28, 12:50
Granted all that said, it's opening big no matter what. {nm} Aug 28, 12:50
Reviews overall seem to be a "fun if you're into it" sort of consensus, much like many of this year's summer blockbusters {nm} Aug 28, 13:31
VA: "Best Tim Burton film in 17 years" Catherine O'Hara is "in it a ton" Aug 28, 13:41
My GF is a casual movie fan, and this is probably the most I've heard her talk about a prerelease movie since Endgame {nm} Aug 28, 19:21