HSX Forum


I've been one of the more pessimistic people here regarding INCPT's opening weekend potential, but even I think that is a bit low. {nm}

Posted by: shadowking (a.k.a shadowking13) on Jul 12, 14:13 in response to secretstalker's post Better hope the MTC/RS theories are untrue: MTC says...

Better hope the MTC/RS theories are untrue: MTC says [INCPT] 48 [SORAP] 33 (5 days... so I guess that's higher than RS?) {nm} secretstalker Jul 12, 11:05

Where did you get this information? {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 11:09

From notfabio {nm} secretstalker Jul 12, 11:13

Can anyone else confirm these numbers? No offense intended, secretstalker...it just seems like a hugely improbably coincidence to me. {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 12:23

Disregard. I've had the numbers confirmed. The MTC number is legit. {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 12:50

Apology accepted. :P {nm} secretstalker Jul 12, 13:52

Haha, sorry ss. Like I said, I wasn't intending any offense. You have to admit that was one hell of a coincidence. .00069% chance ShawnMR Jul 12, 16:23

the two are too close on SORAP for the rule to come in play, but darn it, definitely disappointed in the INCPT number xiayun Jul 12, 11:18

horlicks' Twitter analysis seems to point to both RS and MTC being way wrong. {nm} secretstalker Jul 12, 11:19

Has he adjusted for fanboy frenzy yet? Facto Jul 12, 11:36

I do expect it to have a very high Tweets ratio given Nolan's online fanbase xiayun Jul 12, 11:37

MTC has been solid all summer (outside of DESME), but one would figure they have to blow one pretty bad soon. {nm} Rolling_Thunder Jul 12, 11:21

Perhaps. Somehow I doubt, though, that a very high-consept sci-fi thriller would be the one? Facto Jul 12, 11:43

I posted a joke post about this on another forum this morning. I cited those *exact* numbers, I kid you not. Are you sure this isn't bad ShawnMR Jul 12, 11:21

Can anyone else confirm these numbers? No offense intended, secretstalker...it just seems like a hugely improbably coincidence to me. {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 11:43

If there is a equally likely "reasonable" range of guesses of 50-90 and 20-50 for the two movies, p=.00067 to pick any specific #s randomly. {nm} lukesed Jul 12, 12:51

Haha. Well, I guess this was that .00067... sigh. {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 12:58

By some cosmic freak accident, Shawn's brain got connected to Paul the Prognosticating Octopus (in Oberhausen) for a few secs earlier today! {nm} Facto Jul 12, 12:59

That, or I just Dom Cobb'd the numbers out of secretstalker's head. lol {nm} ShawnMR Jul 12, 13:02

As Zappa once said, it's strange to be alive... ;-) {nm} Facto Jul 12, 13:10

I've been one of the more pessimistic people here regarding INCPT's opening weekend potential, but even I think that is a bit low. shadowking Jul 12, 14:13

Maybe it's just NYC, but I walk down the street and hear people talking about how much they want to see this movie. badvladdy Jul 12, 14:48

A Talk Radio Station In Illinois Has Been Busting A Gut Saying They Have To See This Movie thepizzaguy Jul 13, 13:00

Sorry for the dumb question, but what is RS & MTC? {nm} Carcharodon Jul 14, 10:30

I've lost quite a lot based on tracking this summer, I'm starting to doubt their power... My main concern is the 4 weeks only window on HSX {nm} lefrench Jul 14, 11:35

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