Fincher is a brilliant director, Sorkin an amazing screenwriter and the subject interests me. Enough said. {nm} Sep 25, 06:09
Already seen it and it's one of the best movies of the year without question. Sep 25, 06:24
It's overtracking for very similar reasons to why WALS2 was overtracked. Sep 25, 06:43
I'm looking forward to seeing it, but I still have a hard time believing it's going to bring in a lot of money {nm} Sep 25, 07:18
same here {nm} Sep 25, 08:16
But WALS2 has a big advantage in re cast (in terms of mainstream draw) {nm} Sep 25, 09:17
I agree with everyone that thinks this won't bring in that much money. Sep 25, 08:29
I always think of it as shoulda been independent film with limited release, and maybe a surprise (small) breakout. Sep 25, 08:34
WOW. No offense, but if this gets some kinda oscar, then I would really start questioning the integrity of the Oscars. Sep 25, 14:45
No offense, pal, but I think you're talking out your butt... Sep 26, 13:32