HSX Forum


I agree with everyone that thinks this won't bring in that much money.

Posted by: darknightz on Sep 25, 08:29 in response to Skauge's post I don't live in USA, so can someone please enlighten me...

I'm not really sure what's drawing people in too, aside from the fact that it's about Facebook.  Some people here are saying that it's about the director... but he hasn't been heard from in a long time, and I honestly doubt his fanbase is that huge.  Most people don't even go to a movie just cause it's a certain director: they go if they're interested, and if there's good word of mouth.   This movie doesn't look to be that compelling/ intriguing thus far.

That said, I really have a hard time believing it will crack the $30 mil required to give a good long, but I'm kinda nervous haha, so I'm not playing that for now.  Just my two cents.

I don't live in USA, so can someone please enlighten me why [SOCIL] is apparantly tracking so good? What makes YOU interested ? :-) {nm} Skauge Sep 25, 05:46

Fincher is a brilliant director, Sorkin an amazing screenwriter and the subject interests me. Enough said. {nm} lesana Sep 25, 06:09

Already seen it and it's one of the best movies of the year without question. {nm} secretstalker Sep 25, 06:24

It's overtracking for very similar reasons to why WALS2 was overtracked. shadowking Sep 25, 06:43

Well, let's wait and see if SOCIL will have been overtracking. In the meanwhile, for director, advantage SOCIL. For trailer, adv. SOCIL. second gary Sep 25, 07:01

I'm looking forward to seeing it, but I still have a hard time believing it's going to bring in a lot of money {nm} ChrisEW Sep 25, 07:18

same here {nm} JMT Sep 25, 08:16

But WALS2 has a big advantage in re cast (in terms of mainstream draw) {nm} medusa Sep 25, 09:17

I agree with everyone that thinks this won't bring in that much money. darknightz Sep 25, 08:29

I always think of it as shoulda been independent film with limited release, and maybe a surprise (small) breakout. edzep Sep 25, 08:34

No idea why it's tracking well. Looks terribly trite and neutered (PG-13). Eisenberg is basically Michael Cera - Both one-note actors {nm} HarryWarden Sep 25, 13:05

its getting excellent reviews by many criticts and industry analysts that its a likely oscar contender and as well likely to be a bo hit {nm} apextek Sep 25, 13:54

WOW. No offense, but if this gets some kinda oscar, then I would really start questioning the integrity of the Oscars. darknightz Sep 25, 14:45

No offense, pal, but I think you're talking out your butt... Apokalips Sep 26, 13:32

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