What do you think will be the biggest opener in 2011? Iron Man 2 was the winner in 2010 Dec 13, 08:40
As long as they stick to a Friday opening, then yeah, probably Potter with Transformers or Pirates a close second. {nm} Dec 13, 08:43
RIO is definitely not opening above both Potter and Twilight. Dec 13, 09:18
Also, why do you think the last Twilight will open big but the last Potter won't? The whole movie will be one big climax! {nm} Dec 13, 09:24
The difference between those two franchises Dec 13, 09:44
on the other hand Dec 13, 10:08
IMO, the Twilight "fad" is starting to pass. Dec 13, 10:34
box office and dvd/bd sales have been remarkably consistent for all three films. There {nm} Dec 13, 10:58
there's no evidence its a fad {nm} Dec 13, 10:59
There is no way HNOV2 opens above $100 mil Dec 13, 10:56
yes way. ( confidently looking around ) {nm} Dec 13, 11:05
It opens on Thursday. No R-rated film has ever opened above $100 million, let alone a Thursday opener. {nm} Dec 13, 11:36
PANDA2 has a better shot than RIO or CARS2 Dec 13, 11:13