Panic Carefully Julia Roberts and Eddie Redmayne star in the thriller Panic Carefully about the hunt for a cyber terrorist. The...
Nosferatu Bill Skarsgard stars as Nosferatu in a remake by director Robert Eggers. The 1922 silent film about a vampire Count...
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Lol that DL article is painful to read. It's nice to see an update that it's not dead, I guess. [nm]
Posted by: JonH86 (a.k.a DASavage) on Mar 06, 18:58 in response to secretstalker's post Don't think there's any new info there and this doesn't...
'RUNWY, is being developed by Marvel Studios to act as one of their first pictures outside their current Avengers movie line-up' - THR lobogotti Mar 06, 18:46
Don't think there's any new info there and this doesn't counter what Deadline was saying in Oct. about the project being backburnered. secretstalker Mar 06, 18:51
Lol that DL article is painful to read. It's nice to see an update that it's not dead, I guess. [nm] JonH86 Mar 06, 18:58
it was never dead... it's just not moving forward, especially if the director is making another movie. {nm} secretstalker Mar 06, 19:02
yeah, just read that. but being one of their first pictures outside of The Avengers line-up might be some good announcements soon...since lobogotti Mar 06, 19:03
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