Lunik Heist Jared Leto, John Mulaney and Lupita Nyong'o star in Lunik Heist based on the true story of how CIA stole secrets...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Paramount is producing a third Sonic the Hedgehog based on the SEGA videogame series.
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Looks like a modern day Cinderella Man. I liked that movie.
Posted by: winstonman78 (a.k.a Dorfman) on Apr 07, 16:28 in response to Antibody's post Apple trailer for [WARIR]
Nick Nolte having a busy year. 3 movies this year. Arthur, Warrior and Zoo Keeper.
Apple trailer for [WARIR] Antibody Apr 07, 11:35
This looks like a pretty good end of summer guy movie! {nm} ralu Apr 07, 16:10
Looks like a modern day Cinderella Man. I liked that movie. winstonman78 Apr 07, 16:28
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