HSX Forum

CelebStock and StarBonds

OK...Here we go. TAGS are recalculated EVERY week based upon the box office of the attached movies (up to 5) ...

Posted by: Buy BONDS xXx (a.k.a StarBondFund) on Jan 09, 06:44 in response to bennyg1985's post Question about star bonds that has been bothering me for...

StarBond prices are adjusted the day after the movie delists.   The  post delist box office additions does not afffect the StarBond adjust price until the NEXT movie delists.

EXAMPLE:   SBULL adjuted for for BLDSD 12/14/19.   At the time of the adjust, the box was 149.82.

Eventually, the movie topped 250, so the next adjust had an extra $100s part of the TAG. So, when SBULL adjusted for ELAIC the portion of the TAG contributed by BLDSD was 250. not 149.82

Right now ASTAR has made $53 M post adjust and there will be more.   Yes, those attached StarBonds will have a higher delist than you might have anticipated at the time of the adjust.  


Of course, there are other factors that affect the movement of StarBonds betwween adjusts.   Nothing is engraved in stone.


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Kraven the Hunter - Opening Week (KRAVN.OW) 1 29.87 (-0.13)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 6000 14.23 (+0.64)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Call (KRAVN.CA) 25000 2.14 (+0.14)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4.PU) 25000 2.08 (+0.08)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 30000 14.23 (+0.64)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 3000 14.23 (+0.64)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 2000 29.33 (+1.17)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 10000 29.33 (+1.17)          Evil Dead Untitled (EVLD6) 10000 28.51 (+1.25)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 6000 34.82 (+1.64)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 3200 34.82 (+1.64)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 2000 78.95 (-2.25)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 2000 78.95 (-2.25)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 44000 78.95 (-2.25)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 3600 78.95 (-2.25)          M3GAN 2.0 (M3GA2) 191 76.27 (-0.08)          Wicked (WICKD) 10000 322.05 (+4.65)          Red One (REDON) 150000 84.33 (+0.41)          Evil Dead Untitled (EVLD6) 4000 28.51 (+1.25)          Red One (REDON) 150000 84.33 (+0.41)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (SONC3) 150000 175.03 (-0.42)          Jamie Campbell Bower (JCBOW) 911 135.21 (-0.33)          Nosferatu (NOSFR) 447 31.35 (+0.03)          Highlander (HIGHL) 59999 24.61 (+0.18)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 1000 78.93 (-0.44)          The Carnival at the End of Days (CAEOD) 19999 15.63 (-0.02)          Charlize Theron (CTHER) 1000 103.45 (-0.32)          Ving Rhames (VRHAM) 1000 128.77 (-0.32)          Juror No. 2 (JUROR) 150000 1.72 (-0.02)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 322.05 (+4.65)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 150000 303.16 (+4.18)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 149999 16.77 (-0.07)          Creed IV (CREE4) 149999 48.51 (-0.14)          Martin Freeman (MAFRE) 1000 107.66 (-0.32)          Denis Villeneuve (DVILL) 1000 115.97 (-0.32)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 78.95 (-2.25)          Top Gun 3 (TOPG3) 149999 226.18 (-0.83)          Rebecca Ferguson (RFERG) 1000 111.08 (-0.32)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 3.70 (-0.30)          Awkwafina (AWKWA) 1000 136.28 (-0.32)          Assassination (ASSNT) 150000 14.01 (-0.38)          Assassination (ASSNT) 150000 14.01 (-0.38)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 1 34.82 (+1.64)          10 Lives (10LIV) 60000 6.70 (0.00)          Denzel Washington (DWASH) 1000 65.77 (-0.24)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4.PU) 1000 2.08 (+0.08)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Put (KRAVN.PU) 1000 2.14 (+0.14)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 1000 145.32 (-0.32)          Dustin Hoffman (DHOFF) 1000 79.39 (-0.24)          Nutcrackers (NTCRS) 150000 1.61 (-0.01)