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Ok so the INSDO trailer looks awful (no surprises there)...

Posted by: slappydavid on Aug 30, 18:36 in response to slappydavid's post I'm halfway done, I'll come back with my comments in a...

Can you explain me the reason for WWE to be doing movies? I'm sure they could place their superstars in some movies without actually having to do it themselves.

But anyway back to wrestling. So I don't get it, what's going on with Nash then? He's obviously very rusty on the mic, but is he rusty on the wrestling too? Is that why they are not even putting him on wrestling gear yet? Or is it just some angle to keep us doubting up til night of champions?

Another thing that comes as no surprise is that they are dropping the brand boundaries. But I was thinking, don't they have specific writers for each show? How will that affect storylines? Aside from the Punk/HHH/Nash one, I can only tell the Swagger/Vickie/Ziggler one working. The rest is a big blur, which is not really a good thing.

Finally (I'm keeping it short tonight), I hope you took the time to watch the divas match, what an awful dressing choice for the glamazon, but she looks thinner than I could remember (I read somewhere she is or was dating CM Punk... is there a diva this guy hasn't gone out with? Nevermind, who cares...). I can't stand the "old switcharoo" or whatever it's called, Brie was divas champion but I think the other one (her name has banished from my mind right now) has twice as many pins as her in the last year. Oh and I like Eve and all, but she never fits right into her storyline, the best I saw was probably the backstage segments with Cryme Tyme (which overall sucked).

That's it! Fire away! :)

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