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I can do this all day:

Posted by: BSmurf on Mar 26, 21:13 in response to accountant_4_Jesus' post Why? The consent issue?



Heterosexuality, like rape and pedophilia, is a sexual preference, a conscious choice by those who engage in it, and goes against natural sexual tendencies for some people. The fact that the last two are currently illegal makes no difference. If we are to talk about one sexual preference, we need to talk about others as well at the same time, because if we allow our passions to control us in one area, yet say that it's wrong for others to be able to do the same thing, that is the height of hypocrisy. We can't allow our passions to control us and dictate the way we act with regards to sexual preference and say it's ok, and then say to someone else that they can't have the freedom to do the same thing. If it's what people want to do sexually, either you let them have the freedom to choose to do it or you don't. If you don't allow rape or pedophilia yet allow heterosexuality you're discriminating against those who practice the former. Are you saying then that we shouldn't discriminate against heterosexuals, but it's perfectly fine to discriminate against rapists and pedophiles? Talk about a double standard. Where do people get the idea that rape or pedophilia is wrong? From the Bible, or from another source of absolute morals. Without the source of absolute morals, there is no firm foundation to stand on apart from the argument for consent, and that is flimsy at best. Yes, there might be no consent with the two latter issues, but that won't stop people from continuing to engage in those things, and eventually people will push to make them legal, just like they're pushing to make heterosexual marriage legal. You can't have it both ways. If you won't discriminate against heterosexual marriage on the basis of "that's their sexual preference", you then have no place discriminating against any other sexual preference.



*FIxed, once again*

When spun around as an argument by your logical extension, you can see just how absolutely stupid this argument is. 

Do you, A4J, wake up each and every day and say to yourself, "I'm a heterosexual today!"?  Has it ever crossed your mind? Probably seems to be pretty natural and normal to you, huh? Why would you ever think it was any different for homosexuals? What personal insight do you posess into their natural through processes? 

You seem to imagine that everyone thinks and feels and experiences life through the same lens that you do.

They do not.

How can you possibly imagine what someone else feels, thinks, and believes? And you judge them and imagine that you know better than they how to live their own lives. You pretend to know with certainty that they are making a choice when the only choice that they are making sexually is WHO their partner is, not WHAT their partner is, just the same as you and I and everyone else in life does. We only choose our partners based upon our hard-wired preference, not an arbitrary daily choice.

Whenever you're thinking you're right about ANYTHING on this subject, flip the argument around and replace "homosexual" with "heterosexual". If the result is as stupid as your rant quoted above, then you're just being biased and judgmental (and remarkably un-Christian about the whole thing!).

If you're unable to follow Jesus's teachings on love, respect, and acceptance of all your neighbors, then the problem lies within YOU, not outside.












One nfl player will come out. He is gay!! mike255 Mar 26, 14:07

Out of the Closet? Or out of the Huddle? {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2013 Mar 26, 16:05

Or worst of all - Out of the Lineup? {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2013 Mar 26, 16:12

Why do people feel the need to publicly announce their sexual preference? Do they think it somehow justifies their choice? accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 17:03

actually, I thought the trend now was to mention it casually...like simply saying "me and my partner watched a movie" for example {nm} tealfan Mar 26, 17:15

That's what I would normally expect people to do as well. accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 17:21

I disagree. whitewalls Mar 26, 17:35

Fair enough. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 17:38

It isn't a choice... They were born that way and made in God's image. {nm} skamanfu Mar 26, 17:41

No, they weren't born that way. That kind of thinking is based on the fraudulent "research" done into sexual behaviours by Alfred Kinsey. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 17:45

You should look into the xq28 research. Scientific research. Not just a book touted as the truth {nm} skamanfu Mar 26, 17:50

here is an article from a Psychology Journal that I think you should read lapuckfan Mar 26, 18:11

I'm currently looking into the other claims, but any article that references Kinsey's "research" as valid should immediately be discarded. accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 18:44

Discounting the entire article based on Kinsey would be wrong. There is some fairly compelling medical evidence presented in there {nm} lapuckfan Mar 26, 18:54

And I'd like to point out that the numerous criminal claims on Kinsey's research have never been proved and are often motivated by agendas {nm} Moviesnob Mar 26, 20:26

Why do people feel the need to publicly announce their religious preference? Do they think it somehow justifies their choice? {nm} skamanfu Mar 26, 17:42

I think its beyond unfair and completely inappropriate for you to keep comparing homosexuality to pedophelia and rape {nm} lapuckfan Mar 26, 17:49

Exactly! There's a big difference between Christianity and bigotry. {nm} skamanfu Mar 26, 17:52

Why? The consent issue? accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 18:18

I believe the basis of you argument is completely misguided, & there is no convincing you otherwise, so what is the point of furthering this {nm} lapuckfan Mar 26, 18:26

See my response to your post about the article from a psychology journal. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Mar 26, 18:48

I can do this all day: BSmurf Mar 26, 21:13

*slow clap* {nm} skamanfu Mar 26, 22:14

Wrong, once again. accountant_4_Jesus Mar 27, 15:37

And another thing: accountant_4_Jesus Mar 27, 16:12

Wrong, once again... skamanfu Mar 27, 20:36

Whoops... I said I was done with this, but biggotry always pulls me back in. Why can't their be an 11th commandment? {nm} skamanfu Mar 27, 20:37

Haven't you ever heard of something called temptation? accountant_4_Jesus Mar 27, 21:45

You forget about a little thing called "Free will" skamanfu Mar 27, 23:30

One reason is to stand up to the people who think they are inferior. If you were gay, then every day you would see reminders that you are RogerMore Mar 26, 19:41

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