There is no such thing as an "assault weapon." This language was invented to demonize guns {nm} Mar 20, 21:25
good. it's working Mar 21, 00:09
The language I saw banned military-style semiautomatic weapons? Is that a real thing? {nm} Mar 21, 03:37
How about "weapon made to kill multiple human beings on a battlefield". {nm} Mar 21, 08:04
All guns are designed to kill. What's your point? {nm} Mar 21, 09:27
Why should any gun be banned? "Legitimate use" is not required according to the 2nd amendment and the supreme court affirmation of gun right Mar 21, 09:43
Supreme Court has ruled that right is not unlimited. Also, Amendments can and have been changed in the past. {nm} Mar 21, 09:46
Because other nations in the world that ban assault weapons do not have nutcases that massacre its citizens regularly. {nm} Mar 21, 09:56
Probably because they remove the nutcases from society rather than let them roam the streets like we do {nm} Mar 21, 09:58
Wrong. Again, the only difference in the equation is "assault rweapons". {nm} Mar 21, 10:04
Actually, absence of assault weapon... Hard to kill 50 people in 10 minutes with a knife... {nm} Mar 21, 14:18
In the case of murder by knife, would you blame the knife and call for knife control? {nm} Mar 21, 14:23
I'm happy they are designed to kill... Mar 21, 09:56
No, thank the conservatives for taking funding away from social services that would have housed the mentally ill. {nm} Mar 21, 09:58
That is an uninformed opinion.. Mar 21, 10:10
Anyone who commits mass murder is mentally ill. Your argument is invalid. {nm} Mar 21, 10:44
The point is they are regular people like you with no signs of mental illness, until the shooting starts. {nm} Mar 21, 10:47
The AR-15 everyone hates is not made by the military. More... Mar 21, 11:03
You don’t seem very concerned about the constitutional rights of the people who would be institutionalize under your proposal. Mar 21, 10:58
*cant restrict {nm} Mar 21, 11:17
I agree with all of that (except the home interview) and more, as long as it is focused on the individual. {nm} Mar 21, 11:43
What kind of "legitimate use" can you find to a gun designed to shoot 500 rounds/minute??? Mar 21, 12:04
That's just a hyperbolic argument. If you are referring to the vilified AR-15 rifle... Mar 21, 12:34
Like I said, no need to bring NRA usual lines to justify... Mar 21, 13:55
Our constitution was designed so that citizens can have weapons to.... Mar 21, 11:33
The constitution also referred to slaves as three-fifths of a whole person. {nm} Mar 21, 12:04
and the weapons in the civil war helped put that in balance that, huh. {nm} Mar 21, 12:41
Or nearly a million Americans would not have died needlessly if guns were not around. {nm} Mar 21, 12:53
Many nations ended slavery without going through a civil war. {nm} Mar 21, 13:03
and actually ended it {nm} Mar 21, 13:07
apples and oranges. If many nations had the ability to uprise against their corrupt governments Mar 21, 12:46
Fairy Tale. {nm} Mar 21, 12:41