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guns kill more US children than on-duty police or military members around the world, combined (thanks NRA!)
Posted by: professor zovek (a.k.a mickpix) on Mar 26, 15:19
guns kill more US children than on-duty police or military members around the world, combined (thanks NRA!)
professor zovek
Mar 26, 15:19
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Mostly black on black crime, according to the study. 32% are suicides. Its the gun's fault?
Mar 26, 17:50
"People *primarily* use guns to kill people" <-- fixed that right up for ya. Now, since you won't offer sensible solutions, let others do
Mar 26, 19:11
Solutions to what? Murder? Good luck with that.
Mar 26, 19:27
White on white crime is also pretty prevalent.
Mar 27, 03:11
I've never seen a gun on trial for assault or murder.
Mar 27, 07:37
Sandy Hook victims are now allowed to sue the gun manufacturer...you missed that bit of news.
Mar 29, 11:53
so the guns are going to testify??? and be sentenced?
Mar 29, 12:08