CNN "Unemployment rate falls to 49-year low" May 03, 06:32
"Editorial" an opinion piece about a survey of 119 companies that pay to be members of the trade group conducting the survey May 03, 11:11
tell it to the 70% who haven't seen jack squat May 03, 18:57
Thanks Obama! May 03, 11:32
Don't forget how Obama enabled and encouraged 9 million foreclosures and ordered the DOJ not to prosecute big-bank execs {nm} May 03, 17:10
Also read somewhere that lots of peoples must have more than one job to meet month's ends... May 03, 11:48
What about those paid hourly, not salary? {nm} May 03, 12:29
When I said salaries were mostly dowm, I meant in constant dollars value... Amount may be higher... May 03, 13:51
IF...but the fact is, inflation is currently running at 1.8% annually, 1.9% in 2018. 4.5% is HIGHER. {nm} May 06, 10:33
*low employment {nm} May 03, 13:36
low UNemployment, high employment {nm} May 03, 14:49
doh, you're right! {nm} May 03, 15:18
Ok now do debt and car sales {nm} May 03, 14:01
Posting a 7 month old article = trolling. {nm} May 03, 16:32
Alt right hate bulls—t up, basic human decency down. Thanks trump {nm} May 03, 18:56
But, yes Islndr. Trump's rhetoric is indefensible. {nm} May 03, 20:41
Please provide the criminal code definition of "Collusion". {nm} May 06, 12:25
I'm certain you are then distressed re DNC operative colluding with Ukraine to help Clinton. right? Ukraine themselves May 06, 07:01
While I would love to flip burgers for $18/hr, it isn't happening. And I will not buy a $12 Big Mac May 06, 08:20