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Here are some real examples....

Posted by: RazorHawk on Aug 17, 14:34 in response to BrendanD's post There's some confusion between us (cont.)

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation released wide on 7/31/15 and will cash out on 8/24/15 at the actual amount of box office it has done by then (after 4 weekends of wide release).  Whatever the difference between the current price at that time and the actual box office earned would be your profit or loss.

Let's say you bought at $145 and it ends up making $150mill.  The stock is cashed out at $150 and you would have made 5 points per share.

You spent $145 * 100k shares = 14,500,000 invested

Cashes out at $150 * 100k shares = $15,000,000 cash into your account (500k profit)


Let's pretend that Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation cashes out at $150.

Go to that movie's stockpage and there is a list of the director and cast starbonds that are attached to that movie.


Tom Hollander THOLL

his last 4 movies were:

Hanna $40.25 - Byzantium $0.08 - About Time $15.29 - Invisible Woman $1.23

if we add MI5 as his 5th movie using $150mill box office we get:

(40.25 + 0.08 + 15.29 + 1.23 + 150) / 5 = $41.37 (New TAG/Price Adjust)

If MI5 delists at 150mill, then THOLL Starbond will 'adjust' (price correct) to $41.37

If you were to 'buy' (invest long) the max allowed shares of 20k then you would make a profit of

$41.37 (adjusted price) - $31.07 (current price) = $10.30 profit * 20k shares = $206,000 profit

On Mondays movies are delisted/cashed out based on earned box office after the first 4 weekends of release.  The Starbonds that are attached to those movies are frozen until the next day where the starbond averages are updated with the movies that delisted and the next day on Tuesday the prices are correct to equal the new TAG (last 5 movie average) and are unfrozen.

Once the 'Starbond Adjust' (what we call the adjust/price correction) is performed most players look at the Starbond's next adjust and decide whether to keep holding it for its next adjust, flip is short for its next adjust or just dump it.  THOLL next adjust after MI5 would be for Jungle Book in 2017.  That is likely too long to tie up any sum of money (unless it is great guarenteed profit) so I would predict most players would just dump that starbond to free up cash.


Simon Pegg SPEGG

his last 4 movies were:

World's End $26.00 - Hector $1.21 - Boxtrolls $50.83 - Kill Me 3 Times $0.02

if we add MI5 as his 5th movie using $150mill box office we get:

(26.00 + 1.21 + 50.83 + 0.02 + 150) / 5 = $45.61 (New TAG/Price Adjust)

If MI5 delists at 150mill, then SPEGG Starbond will 'adjust' (price correct) to $45.61

If you were to 'short' (invest downwards) the max allowed shares of 20k then you would make a profit of

$51.08 (current price) - $45.61 (adjust price) = $5.47 profit * 20k shares = $109,400 profit

After the adjust you would have to decide to cash out, keep holding short for his next adjust or flip long for his next adjust.  His next adjust likely would be for the Star Trek movie next summer.  And World's End ($26) would drop out of his average and be replaced by Star Trek (currently trading at ~ $175).


This is how the Starbond Adjusts work.  They happen every week (on Tuesdays) and are on the HSX calendar.

Johnny Depp has a movie (Black Mass) releasing soon.  You can do the math with an estimate box office for his next movie to see if his Starbond Adjust is going to be worth investing in.

Black Mass is currently trading at ~$50 so we will use that number.

Johnny Depp JDEPP 5 movie average ('TAG') would be:

Transcendence $23.01 - No Good Reason $0.07 - Into The Woods $128.00 - Mortdecai $7.69

(23.01 + 0.07 + 128.00 + 7.69 + 50) / 5 = New TAG/ Price Adjust $41.75

JDEPP is currently trading at ~$58... that means there is possible 16.25 point profit to be made


If Black Mass Makes X then JDEPP would adjust to Y

10mill = $33.75

20mill = $35.75

30mill = $37.75

40mill = $39.75

50mill = $41.75

60mill = $43.75

70mill = $45.75

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Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 25000 440.12 (+0.32)          Presence (PRSNC) 150000 23.62 (+0.87)          Presence (PRSNC) 150000 23.62 (+0.87)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 1 57.61 (+0.35)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Grendel (GREND) 25000 20.79 (+0.79)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 20000 440.12 (+0.32)          Gundam (GUNDM) 100000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Blade (BLAD1) 30000 81.01 (+3.32)          Smile 2 (SMIL2) 50000 60.03 (+0.22)          The Running Man (TRUNM) 150000 62.65 (+0.84)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Top Gun 3 (TOPG3) 12500 242.39 (-0.92)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 10000 57.61 (+0.35)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 100000 57.61 (+0.35)          Blood on Snow (BLOSN) 49999 26.87 (-0.19)          The Smashing Machine (SMACH) 49999 15.22 (-0.08)          Absolution (THUG) 150000 2.72 (-0.11)          Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (DENO2) 100000 24.66 (+0.15)          Absolution (THUG) 150000 2.72 (-0.11)          Mission: Impossible 8 (MISS8) 10000 152.54 (-0.43)          The Map that Leads to You (TMTLY) 50000 17.23 (+0.58)          The Map that Leads to You (TMTLY) 150000 17.23 (+0.58)          Grendel (GREND) 85000 20.79 (+0.79)          Song Sung Blues (SSBLU) 50000 19.84 (-0.54)          Song Sung Blues (SSBLU) 150000 19.84 (-0.54)          Werewolves (WEREW) 55000 24.39 (-0.10)          Super Toys (SPTOY) 100000 15.08 (+0.14)          Spinal Tap II (STAP2) 49999 20.00 (-0.11)          Look Who's Talking (LWTLK) 49999 4.00 (+0.03)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 50000 75.78 (+0.89)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 150000 75.78 (+0.89)          Aaron Sorkin (ASORK) 1000 19.91 (+0.10)          The Drama (TDRAM) 50000 20.38 (+1.25)          The Drama (TDRAM) 1 20.38 (+1.25)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gundam (GUNDM) 10000 6.07 (+4.56)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 81.01 (+3.32)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 150000 75.78 (+0.89)          Voltron (VOLTN) 6 66.20 (+0.36)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.15 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 3 118.96 (-0.11)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.15 (+0.02)          Here - Opening Weekend (HERE1.OW) 100000 14.10 (-0.18)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 3 118.96 (-0.11)