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Posted by: bdiz on Feb 23, 17:25 in response to Antibody's post Soliciting Feedback: What if MovieStocks no longer halt...

Short Answer: I've got an open mind about it, and I'm enthusiastic to give it a shot.

Long Answer: I understand the fundamental differences between HSX and a market like the NYST, and the resulting need for mechanisms like halts/adjusts. I'm more of a lassiez-faire kind of guy so the halts/adjusts have always seemed the most "artificial" part of the game to me anyways.  

I like that his change would mean that a movie stock would more closely fit and follow the "value" of a movie throughout it's development and theater life.  It seems to me that at present, one would want to trade on a movie in development based on it's expected opening weekend performance alone.  After the opening weekend, one would want to trade based on how closely you expect it's remaining theater life will match a given multiple of it's opening gross (2.7, 2.2, 3.0).  It's those multiples in particular that to me seem to be the most artificial part of the HSX model.  While many movies come suprisingly close to those opening multiples by the time of their delist, there same multiple is used for movies like Avatar and Dear John.

The proposed changes would eschew this multiples game, and instead trade on the expected delist price.  The stock price is then driven by information and speculation which evolve along with the movie itself; in my opinion this makes for a more realistic model.

I can imagine some heat coming from the people who have become dependent on playing the nuances of the weekend halt/adjusts to grow their portfolio (myself included), but I've been at least a little successful playing the CX derivitaves on opening weekends lately, and if I threw my opening adjusts money into that instead, then I'm sure I could see similar (if not greater) profits.  And, as players discover and learn new strategies to profit in this new model, there's the .OW derivitaves which behave more like the present stocks to ease that transition.

I'd been a little intimidated by the CXs on opening weekends due to their volatility.  I'm guessing that's because the relative volume of a particular movie's CX derivitave is much smaller than the parent stock's, and so any given amount of money invested has a larger impact on the trading price.  I'd expect the proposed changes to mitigate a lot of that volatility due to the increased volume.

I would imagine that players in this new model would pay more attention to the latest box office figures throughout the course of weekend, and probably bring more traffic on HSX over the weekend as people check to see how the latest box office projections are affecting the stock. 

Finally, I'd be curious to see if this could open the door to a relaxation of the "4 weeks in theaters for wide releases, 12 weeks for limited releases" practice.  The strict application of this policy is a result of the opening adjustment multiplier, which won't be needed in the new system.  I see a lot of limited release films hit a theater count of 0 after just 3-5 weeks and are just dead in the water for another 2 months until delist.  Conversely, blockbusters like Avatar delist far before their domestic box office life dies out. Perhaps you could create theater count threshold, for instance "200 theaters wide, 0 theaters limited" or "5% of the opening weekend theater count", and after a weekend where the movie is shown on fewer screens than that threshold, the movie delists.

Your team has been building an incredible market model for 10+ years now and I'm sure that you've spent countless hours analysing its workings and seeking refinements. As I mentioned earlier, I respect your logic behind implementing many of the model's mechanisms (such as the weekend multipliers), and am excited to see that this model is still continually scrutinized and improved.

Soliciting Feedback: What if MovieStocks no longer halt and adjust during the opening weekend of a wide release? Antibody Feb 23, 15:44

ok... eyescovered Feb 23, 15:59

OP says that .OW's would halt like current moviestocks do. {nm} lukesed Feb 23, 16:01

I know. I never said otherwise. {nm} eyescovered Feb 23, 16:09

So the price wouldn't change with estimates. {nm} lukesed Feb 23, 16:29

yes they would, due to trading {nm} RogerMore Feb 23, 16:32

OK, gotcha, I was refferring to predictions. {nm} eyescovered Feb 23, 16:34

i no like it. i enjoy the artificial instant adjust up and the free cash from obvious shorts. {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:16

i love this idea {nm} Smallville944 Feb 23, 23:21

You'd also get rid of the calls and puts, right? If you do, there won't be any more OW arbitrages. {nm} lukesed Feb 23, 16:00

I like it. {nm} BuenaOnda Feb 23, 16:07

Does the Cantor exhange just trade securites during the hours that the North American stock exchanges are open? {nm} Vashta Nerada Feb 23, 16:09

as far as i kno its continuously active. {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:22

I was wondering whether that would change once Cantor goes live... I'm not a fan of 24 hour real money exchanges... it's dangerous. {nm} secretstalker Feb 23, 17:38

thats going to be a crazy late fri night! It would takeout some of the fun of risking 50K shares on the OW though... islander Feb 23, 16:15

good point about friday night mayhem. its going to be painful if you go out and enjoy your friday evening, stay out late, sleep in... adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:20

Good point. I would probably stop playing most MovieStocks openers until at least the Friday estimates came out. eyescovered Feb 23, 16:26

Yea, you'd have to raise the 10k cap to at least 20-25k {nm} eyescovered Feb 23, 16:25

would it be possible to make this work while having at least some halt period? adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:31

That's an interesting idea, though we would want HSX to mimic Cantor Exchange, with the idea you would migrate to real money. ;) {nm} Antibody Feb 23, 17:20

yeah ive noticed that. and ive also noticed that since cantor doesnt have a forum over there, this is also the cantor movie forum. adrenalin112 Feb 23, 17:25

Some players can't afford to play the real money game... {nm} Chefbobcat Feb 23, 17:58

Does that mean you'll give us $50,000 REAL dollars to tell us what movie we're seeing this weekend? secretstalker Feb 23, 19:57

so about the real cantor exchange mbking92 Feb 25, 19:06

it's regulated like the stock exchange... secretstalker Feb 25, 20:50

I like it. go for it. {nm} the_noble Feb 23, 16:18

For me, taking away the weekend adjust would be a big loss to the game. Even if they are complemented by a .OW derivative, RogerMore Feb 23, 16:27

can i be in your mafia rogermore? wanna be my neighbor in petville? {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:34

*blocks adrenalin112 from newsfeed* {nm} RogerMore Feb 23, 16:36

*pokes rogermore* {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:43

Forget Petville - come hug me in Pet Society instead *pokes Adrenalin* {nm} Facto Feb 23, 18:39

what would be the incentive for players to hold a moviestock prior to its release? {nm} islander Feb 23, 16:33

they dont want to pay the 1% commish to sell it off. dunno... {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 16:35

None really, just wait for Friday ERC/BOM estimates and buy whichever way the wind is blowing. {nm} eyescovered Feb 23, 16:38

The expectation that price will rise {nm} RogerMore Feb 23, 16:41

but if small to mid range ports dont have to risk their money, they wont. and with fewer traders, less movement, right? islander Feb 23, 16:52

Depends what doubts/expectations there are. When there's hype about a movie and its price is rising, traders will put money into it {nm} RogerMore Feb 23, 17:03

It's logical, especially for wide releases. How it is introduced will be of essence. Currently i am holding "wide" moviestocks Diapason Feb 23, 16:51

my thoughts... RazorHawk Feb 23, 16:55

Well, I lost that bet with myself... secretstalker Feb 23, 17:47

All kidding aside, I do agree with RH said above. {nm} secretstalker Feb 23, 18:06

I agree with RH also. Don't mess with the best part of the game. {nm} tonyj1 Feb 23, 21:12

Excellent response, Razorhawk. I agree with everything you've written. {nm} ryancoke2 Feb 23, 17:48

100% agree... all the fun aspects that make it a game will be gone. {nm} twoshenoudas Feb 23, 17:57

I agree with RazorHawk's IM. {nm} joeoftexas Feb 23, 18:37

nice nustshell edzep Feb 23, 19:20

Well, you have to remember that the Cantor Exchange is not a game. {nm} secretstalker Feb 23, 19:52

Right, but, the point is that I have more fun playing here, than I would making money there. edzep Feb 23, 21:41

that was a good read...you've swayed my opinion as well {nm} tealfan Feb 24, 12:34

Wouldn't that take away all the play on a movie while in development? aaronl5 Feb 23, 17:06

How about a shorter freeze, and eliminating the adjust? Even the NYSE freezes a stock when significant news is pending/announced Novice Feb 23, 17:14

I much prefer 50K stocks that halt and adjust now instead of the 10K that will halt and adjust due to this change LonePirate Feb 23, 17:18

The OW halt, among other things, has always functioned as a guarantee of the fairness of the game: no one with inside Friday info... second gary Feb 23, 17:23

Thoughts bdiz Feb 23, 17:25

hmmm facto must be busy hammering out the biggest wiki page of all time right now as his response... {nm} adrenalin112 Feb 23, 17:31

who me? lol :-D {nm} Facto Feb 23, 18:17

Hmm... I'm not really a fan especially if movie stocks start behaving like CX derivatives in terms of volatility. secretstalker Feb 23, 17:37

I'm easy...variety is the spice of life...go for it tealfan Feb 23, 20:15

I think CX stocks are too violatile.. let the opening movies halt as usual on weekends.. please do not take away that as well karspov Feb 23, 20:52

Please don't do this... Chefbobcat Feb 24, 01:27

Part of HSX's research value is that it has a DIFFERENT trading mentality to Cantor... lesana Feb 24, 01:44

I'd probably stop playing entirely. But that's just me. Hooray360 Feb 24, 04:21

This is a bad idea. Takes away the fun of opening weekend {nm} owen111 Feb 24, 06:20

My opinion on HSX converting to Cantor Exchange... lobogotti Feb 24, 07:17

I don't need to write a wall of text, full of reason, when Lobogotti already did, above. I agree with the sentiments expressed here, I agree Facto Feb 25, 09:57

Sounds reasonable. Makes a lot of sense to have the price of Moviestocks driven just by traders and save the OW speculation as a derrivative {nm} dawgma02 Feb 24, 09:34

Id be open to trying out this new form as it sounds very dynamic for opening weekends, perhaps fun, perhaps annoying, we'll see. But... Shrike Feb 24, 10:29

I'm generally for anything that makes HSX mimic real markets more closely. But Scorpion [FOXX] Feb 24, 10:38

sounds ok but... Neilthor Feb 24, 18:07

if it alows you to trade 50,000 shares i'm all for it if it lets you trade 10,000 shares i'm against it {nm} Smallville944 Feb 28, 21:43

this sucks mbking92 Mar 01, 21:26

After thinking this over for a few days I have to say no to this idea. {nm} Vashta Nerada Mar 07, 22:03

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