I think that TLSTR can be officially listed as "Limited" {nm} Sep 22, 18:27
It didn't report box office last week so I'd say very limited {nm} Sep 22, 19:54
Sorry, I guess the joke didn't come thru :) {nm} Sep 22, 23:59
Hmmm that should have been under the post below - guess the joke is on me :) :) {nm} Sep 23, 00:00
....as opposed to "moderate" Sep 22, 20:56
No, that's a moderate theater sized opening. {nm} Sep 24, 09:01
I think he means limited time frame not number of theaters {nm} Sep 24, 13:20
"Release Pattern" has never been time frame. {nm} Sep 25, 09:28
what do you call 4 weeks delist versus 12 weeks - one is wide the other is limited. {nm} Sep 25, 11:50
Pattern is based on theater counts. If the field was Time Frame, then it would say "Weeks". {nm} Sep 25, 13:00
But I can see how that you interpret the field. {nm} Sep 25, 13:36
The reason for my post is that we have a 2 choice system. Limited or wide. Moderate does not tell us about delist.... Sep 27, 20:35
One last point....when there is a "moderate release" announced, there is no number of theaters shown. However.... Sep 28, 08:11