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The reason for my post is that we have a 2 choice system. Limited or wide. Moderate does not tell us about delist....

Posted by: Buy BONDS xXx (a.k.a mrbinns) on Sep 27, 20:35 in response to Antibody's post But I can see how that you interpret the field.

When the movie is released, we see  a release pattern.   Until then, Moderate is an unknow. 

It may start out barely wide, start limited go wide, or stay limited.

Once we know which of the 2 will apply, 4 weeks or 12 weeks, I think it would behoove you to simply change to the pattern that woould let everyone calculate the delist date.

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Better Man (BETRM) 150000 23.28 (+0.08)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Put (KRAVN.PU) 5000 2.00 (0.00)          Heretic (HERTC) 150000 27.81 (-0.63)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Put (KRAVN.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 28.91 (+0.25)          Homestead (HMSTD) 150000 10.32 (-0.10)          The Invite (TINVT) 2000 10.38 (-0.02)          Aang: The Last Airbender (ATLA1) 150000 41.19 (-0.04)          The Invite (TINVT) 10000 10.38 (-0.02)          The Return (TRETU) 10000 7.06 (-0.25)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 24859 3.88 (+0.59)          The Order (TORDR) 150000 5.52 (-0.12)          Night Has Fallen (HFAL4) 150000 3.96 (-0.01)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 25000 3.88 (+0.59)          Greenland: Migration (GRNL2) 150000 15.99 (-0.16)          Reykjavik (REYKJ) 3000 3.90 (-0.10)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 2 36.42 (-0.96)          Al Pacino (APACI) 25000 37.60 (+0.25)          Reykjavik (REYKJ) 3000 3.90 (-0.10)          Gal Gadot (GGADO) 5000 146.59 (-0.20)          John Malkovich (JMALK) 25000 30.52 (+0.25)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 50000 157.54 (+0.21)          Good Bad & Undead (GBUND) 150000 1.96 (+0.01)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4.OW) 100000 25.00 (0.00)          Terry Gilliam (TGILL) 25000 10.12 (0.00)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 24858 127.34 (+1.38)          The Carnival at the End of Days (CAEOD) 150000 15.65 (+0.04)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Put (KRAVN.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 127.34 (+1.38)          The Wrecking Crew (WCREW) 150000 24.17 (-0.04)          Kraven the Hunter H$30 Call (KRAVN.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Jason Momoa (JMOMO) 5000 154.78 (+0.10)          Kraven the Hunter - Opening Week (KRAVN.OW) 100000 30.00 (0.00)          In the Hand of Dante (ITHOD) 150000 12.78 (+0.04)          Just Watch Me (JUSWM) 150000 5.97 (+0.03)          Metal Men (METAL) 50000 14.00 (-0.14)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 25000 53.59 (0.00)          Gerard Butler (GBUTL) 25000 51.29 (+0.16)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 150000 28.88 (+0.29)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 150000 86.43 (+0.33)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 81.20 (-0.63)          Cleaner (CENER) 150000 8.99 (-3.91)          Valiant One (VLNT1) 150000 6.54 (+0.05)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Dwayne Johnson (TROCK) 25000 147.76 (+1.33)          Dwayne Johnson (TROCK) 25000 147.76 (+1.33)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 149000 213.07 (-2.37)          Daniel Radcliffe (DRADC) 25000 32.33 (+0.25)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 1 15.62 (+0.13)