Member Since: | Jul 12, 2011 |
Net Worth: | H$353,257,501.39 |
Rank: | 5,419 (69.0%) |
Securities Held: | 76 |
Last Trade: | Mar 22, 2020 |
"We lost the coffin and you barbequed our lead, Mike. This has got to be the worst, most emotional cop week of my life"
Bad Boys
Bad Boys 2
Love & Basketball
The Notebook (NOTEB)
The Fugitive
US Marshalls
Harry Potter (Prisoner of...
John Q (JOHNQ)
Denzel Washington (DWASH)
Will Smith (WSMIT)
Lupita Nyong'o (LNYON)
Viola Davis (VDAVI)
Taraji P Henson
Chris Pratt (CPRAT)
Zoe Saldana (ZSALD)
Robert Downey Jr
Chris Evans (CEVAN)
Emma Watson (EMWAT)
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