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Nosferatu (NOSFR) 25000 64.29 (-0.27)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 5 15.93 (+1.39)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 47.20 (-1.44)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 47.20 (-1.44)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 40360 47.20 (-1.44)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 150000 7.97 (-0.61)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 150000 7.97 (-0.61)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 47.20 (-1.44)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 47.20 (-1.44)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 40624 47.20 (-1.44)          Sing 3 (SING3) 150000 90.05 (+0.50)          Sing 3 (SING3) 150000 90.05 (+0.50)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 150000 19.92 (+0.36)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 150000 19.92 (+0.36)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 150000 36.29 (+1.00)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 150000 36.29 (+1.00)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 150000 24.67 (+0.98)          Peter Hujar’s Day (HUJAR) 5381 1.84 (-0.16)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 150000 24.67 (+0.98)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 15.93 (+1.39)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 15.93 (+1.39)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 14.36 (-1.03)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 14.36 (-1.03)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 10000 19.38 (-0.55)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 2000 76.51 (-0.60)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 8000 76.51 (-0.60)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 800 76.51 (-0.60)          Clayface (CLAYF) 2000 52.61 (-0.17)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 1200 37.69 (-0.42)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 20000 3.92 (+0.37)          The Raja Saab (RSAAB) 1200 4.28 (+0.59)          Naked Gun (NKGUN) 99999 57.30 (+0.14)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 4200 36.29 (+1.00)          Antarctica (ANTRC) 4418 11.48 (+0.78)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 15000 36.29 (+1.00)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 6000 47.20 (-1.44)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 20000 15.93 (+1.39)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 15.93 (+1.39)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 15.93 (+1.39)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 15.93 (+1.39)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 24.07 (+0.04)          Proxy (PROXY) 100000 1.83 (-0.02)          The Sequel Fund (SQUEL) 20000 48.68 (0.00)          The Comic Fund (COMIC) 20000 67.90 (+0.21)          Proxy (PROXY) 100000 1.83 (-0.02)          Proxy (PROXY) 100000 1.83 (-0.02)          Proxy (PROXY) 100000 1.83 (-0.02)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 175.40 (+0.44)          Highlander (HIGHL) 150000 24.36 (+0.06)          Star Trek Origin Story (TREK4) 50000 42.52 (+0.05)