Member Since: | Oct 14, 2010 |
Net Worth: | H$2,237,154.59 |
Rank: | - unranked - |
Securities Held: | 2 |
Last Trade: | Dec 2, 2010 |
Now this probably isnt going to be very intresting, if you want to read something way more awesome than this go to Imdrawingablanks profile <3 <3 and read hers but if perchance you love to read boring stuff than please continue on. It all started 15 long years ago. It was very dark then all of a sudden I saw the light and was born (hallejuah) and I grew up to be the amazing, incredible, awesome, loveable, irresistible, overwhelming, awe-inspiring, tremendously good-looking, humble person I am today. If you don't believe me, please stop reading now..........okay stop now..........................please just stop reading it's not going to get any more interesting than this!!! KABOOM!!!! Kay that's it.. ...................That's all really, there's nothing more to read. Oh i lied. I have to mention Imdrawingablank & jessiejoebrown & basketball23 my freakin' awesome, bestest, remarkable, astounding, grand, breath-taking also very humble friends love you guys <3
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