Member Since: | Aug 5, 2007 |
Net Worth: | H$1,640,682,557.12 |
Rank: | 1,714 (90.2%) |
Securities Held: | 21 |
Last Trade: | Oct 3, 2020 |
Apocalypse Now!
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Pulp Fiction
The Big Lebowski (BGLEB)
Face/Off (FCOFF)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (BTHOU)
Tropic Thunder (TROPC)
The Dark Knight (BATM2)
Iron Man (IRNMN)
Nicolas Cage (NCAGE)
Kate Winslet (KWINS)
Robert Downey Jr. (RDOWN)
Tina Fey (TFEY)
Woody Harrelson (WHARR)
Julianne Moore (JMOOR)
Jeff Bridges (JBRID)
Rachel McAdams (RMCAD)
John Travolta (JTRAV)
Gary Oldman (GOLDM)