Danny DeVito

IPO Date:Feb 5, 1997


With success in television as well as film, Danny DeVito has cornered the market on unctuous and unruly characters such as on TV's Taxi, 1984's Romancing the Stone and 1986's Ruthless People. DeVito played The Penguin in 1992's Batman Returns, and has since spent much of his energy as a producer. DeVito's producer credits include 1994's Pulp Fiction and 1998's Out of Sight.



Danny DeVito (DDEVI)

H$112.16 H$0.00 (0.00%)

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This Week H$112.81 H$112.16
This Month H$114.33 H$111.96
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Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 15000 26.37 (+1.37)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 20000 15.07 (-0.64)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 15000 28.23 (-1.78)          Wicked: For Good (WCKD2) 9255 297.85 (-0.20)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 8629 111.93 (-0.01)          Wicked: For Good (WCKD2) 1743 297.85 (-0.20)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 33.56 (-1.20)          Toy Story 5 (TOYS5) 9446 297.69 (-0.04)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 100000 26.37 (+1.37)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 682 39.83 (0.00)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 884 69.38 (-0.05)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 4.01 (+0.02)          El Muerto (MUERT) 150000 10.45 (-0.43)          Chairman Spaceman (CSPCM) 150000 0.79 (-0.01)          The Tree (TTREE) 150000 1.56 (0.00)          The Wind in the Willow (TWITW) 150000 1.56 (-0.02)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 231 160.48 (+0.20)          Scarface (SCARF) 150000 1.79 (-0.01)          Minions 3 (MNIO3) 150000 248.26 (+1.70)          Power Rangers (PWRNG) 150000 5.40 (-0.03)          Frozen Hell (FRZNH) 150000 1.19 (-0.02)          Friday Night Lights (FRIN2) 150000 0.44 (-0.02)          Jump Street: Now For Her Pleasur (21JS3) 150000 1.15 (-0.02)          Sleeping Dogs (SLPDG) 150000 0.03 (-0.02)          Sinister Six (SINST) 150000 16.25 (-0.45)          The Friend (FREND) 5000 4.10 (+0.05)          Blackhawk (BLHWK) 150000 6.96 (-0.45)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 47 170.49 (+0.11)          Paddington in Peru (PADT3) 193 51.18 (0.00)          Flight Risk - Opening Weekend (FLTRS.OW) 100000 8.36 (+0.03)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 33.56 (-1.20)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 1.95 (+0.08)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 1.95 (+0.08)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 32.08 (+1.45)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 149999 1.72 (+0.03)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 150000 1.72 (+0.03)          September 5 (SEPT5) 149999 13.00 (+0.32)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 13.00 (+0.32)          Drop (DROP) 149999 28.44 (+0.49)          Drop (DROP) 150000 28.44 (+0.49)          Clue (CLUE) 50000 19.86 (+0.02)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 149999 20.83 (+0.66)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 26.37 (+1.37)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.83 (+0.66)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.23 (-1.78)          Eternity (ETERN) 149999 14.14 (+1.08)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.23 (-1.78)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 14.14 (+1.08)          Companion (CMPAN) 150000 26.79 (+1.39)          Companion (CMPAN) 150000 26.79 (+1.39)