Symbol: | HER |
Status: | Inactive |
Delist Date: | Jan 18, 2005 |
Fund Manager: | FemaleFund |
The Female Fund invests in new releases each weekend that are made for females (teenage and up) or appeal strongly to female moviegoers. Amongst eligible movies are those written and directed by women, action films with strong female characters, epics with a high hunk factor, maybe a chick flick or two, and Ewan MacGregor going full monty.
The fund will invest in weekend openers trading below H$150. Wide releases are purchased whithin 5 days of opening and held no longer than the following Thursday. Limited releases are bought within a week of opening and can be held until delist. The credited StarBonds are purchased for each opening weekend and held until adjust. If there is another eligible movie in their TAG within a reasonable amount of time it may be held longer.
Fund Manager:
liioulu has been a player since April 1999 and is currently in the Top 1,000 LTD. She has been going to movies all her life and has logged time at the Seattle International Film Fest as a pass holder, and has done time at various Chicago fests as filmgoer, volunteer or employee. She likes most types of movies, especially if they tell an interesting story. And she is a female.
Charlize Theron (CTHER)20,000 short
Gary Oldman (GOLDM)20,000 long
Jackie Chan (JCHAN)20,000 short
Jamie Lee Curtis (JLCUR)20,000 long
Jodie Foster (JFOST)20,000 long
John Krasinski (JKRAS)20,000 long
Liv Tyler (LTYLE)20,000 short
Marion Cotillard (MCOTI)20,000 short
Michael Keaton (MKEAT)20,000 long
Michelle Pfeiffer (MPFEI)20,000 short
Naomie Harris (NHARR)20,000 long
Robert Downey Jr. (RDOWN)20,000 long
Sam Neill (SNEIL)20,000 short
Shia Labeouf (SLABE)20,000 long
Stanley Tucci (STUCC)20,000 short
Stellan Skarsgard (SSKAR)20,000 long
Taraji P. Henson (TPHEN)20,000 long
Zoe Saldana (ZSALD)20,000 short
The Female Fund (HER)
H$100.22 January 18, 2005
Delist Date Delist Price
Shares Held Long on HSX: 0
Shares Held Short on HSX: 0
Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 0
This Week | H$100.10 | H$98.90 |
This Month | H$100.10 | H$87.54 |
This Season | H$100.10 | H$80.24 |
This Year | H$100.10 | H$42.30 |
What is a: Fund®, Status, Change Today