Miss Julie

Delist Date:Feb 27, 2000
Genre:Romance / RomCom
MPAA Rating:R
Release Date:Dec 10, 1999


A film that premiered at the 1999 Toronto Film Festival, Miss Julie follows an aristocratic woman who is seduced by her father's social-climbing valet. However, when the physical passion of their relationship fades, the two discover that they have nothing in common.

Afterwards, the woman must cope with the consequences of her decision. Miss Julie was directed by Mike Figgis, and stars Saffron Burrows, Peter Mullan and Maria Doyle Kennedy. The script was written by Helen Cooper.






  • Saffron Burrows (SBURR)

Miss Julie (MJULI)

H$0.01 February 27, 2000

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Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 0

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This Week H$1.03 H$0.51
This Month H$1.81 H$0.51
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