Recently I posted that I had a theory of manipulation from HSX ports with the top net worth, and I received much feedback.
Many of those suggestions are helpful, whereas others still don't make any sense when I am arguing with logic & reason.
I mean, earlier in the summer I posted on playing strategies, as up to that point, I have been quite successful!
So, somethings's changed when I have been a member of HSX for over 10 years and I have watched my net worth steadily rise, along with my rank and percentile.
I continue to make the point that my percentile has only ever gone up.
Something different is going on when within approx. 3 weeks of August my cash stays the same but my net worth drops by almost 3 million and my rank plummets nearly 2 hundred places.
Every day I log-in and see dozens of securities down at least 1 or more percent, and in some cases--far more than that.
When that is the case I look for news on that movie or actor and surprise--there is NONE!
Literally nothing has changed, whereas once I was up massively on this security and the NEXT DAY I'm losing thousands on that same security alone.
Again, when my trading strategy has not changed and for 10 years has only ever caused upward movement,
but then in just 3 weeks instead of my percentile going up a tenth of a percent I go down and lose millions,
then there must be something else going on that has nothing to do with my trading strategy.
In case you feel like responding, let me help you out based on some of the responses I received from my last post:
"My portfolio is not diversified enough because I have no short positions"
- Really? Oh, because from June 2007 until about mid-August 2017 that was NEVER a problem!
"Many ports sold their positions so they could buy Wonder Woman 2"
- Still the dumbest answer ever...While yes, I am aware that this particular MovieStock is up over H$50 already (or between 20 and 30 percent),
what one is implying is EVERYONE sold EVERYTHING so that they could go ALL in (or as much as possible) on this one security--and WHY? Seriously, WHAT makes this so darn appealing?
Well, it doesn't really matter because unless this movie grosses literally $5 billion at the box office you all are way overreacting.
- Recently I saw the IPO for IT 2...and it's already up 10 percent! Now I know for sure there are some dumb players out there--Look:
"IT" doesn't premier until September 8th which should tell any sane person, "Uh, let's wait and see how this first one does before I buy into the sequel."
"Neil, you don't have enough of your portfolio in cash to be making money everyday."
- Wait a minute, how can that be when evidently, everyone has to SELL EVERYTHING they have in order to get the cash to 'go all in' on "IT 2" or "Wonder Woman 2"?
With that nonsense, everyone with a net worth from H$2 million to H$20 billion would be behaving horribly irresponsibly financially speaking as everyday they lose lots of money on commissions just selling what they have to buy into the next big thing.
- I hold at least H$14.6 million in cash, and with the interest rate now at 1.25 percent, I get over $500 per day.
Do the math and figure what that makes in a year, in addition to the H$20 thousand I make daily from playing HSX games, not to mention the additional million or so I make each year from playing Classic Cash alone.
"Neil, you don't have a solid understanding of how this game works to make money in the long term. You're playing like someone who is new to the game."
- Ha! So, for 10 years there was nothing but steady increases (the true way to make money in the real world, through daily habits); ultimately bringing my percentile to within the top 8 or 9 percent of all ports.
* Last year at this time I was up 30-40 percent, now, well, I'm performing better than the DJIA and the S&P 500 (YTD) but not the NASDAQ!
- By the way, what happened to Idris Elba? I owned 5,000 shares of that StarBond and overnight it lost almost H$60K on that--more than ANY loss I've EVER incurred!
- Well, perhaps I'll get some useful, hopefully positive feedback...but if I don't, maybe I'm on to something but I'm not profiting because I simply don't see the sense in investing in a movie called "Transformers: Bumblebee".
Seriously folks. But at least I still have my sanity!