When I started HSX back in 1998 (that's right you young whippersnappers!) there was no such thing as "Commission free Saturday". Let the Horn of Gondor Blow...chunks! But I get it, 'commission free'=more hits on the website=more $$$ for HSX=more advertising revenue. Unfortunately, this particular pattern of manipulation bears no resemblance to any real stock market. Oh, I know there's plenty o' manipulation in the real markets, but this is just, umm... silly. And unless you have nothing else to do on a Saturday, this really screws, I mean skews the game unfairly.
Oh well, I'll stick to playing openers and ignore the Saturday Slaughter. It'll take me longer to get there, but at least I won't get busted by the SEC for insider trading.
Just a thought, if you MUST have a commission free day, why not level the playing field and choose the day randomly? Players might just stay tuned and check back in during the week, and trading patterns wouldn't be so predictably fixed.
Damn, I'm sounding like Andy Rooney.