With the shooting and possible future shooting, will VOD become more common? Jul 22, 12:48
we all better stay in doors, what if we get knocked over crossing the road to the theatres too. VOD all the way {nm} Jul 22, 12:50
Hopefully no crazy person is inspired by The Strangers or Last House on the Left... You can't even be safe indoors!!!!! Jul 22, 13:54
We really need to consider a ban on assault rifles. There really is no need for any normal citizen to own one. Jul 22, 13:16
Again, criminals do not obey the law. {nm} Jul 22, 13:24
I'm in Texas and you can take my legal concealed weapon out of my cold dead fingers. Seriously! {nm} Jul 22, 13:50
I really don't have problems with people carrying hand guns to protect themselves. Jul 22, 14:08
And you have to go thru a process in order to have a concealed weapon...and it isn't an assault rifle carrying 100 rounds. Jul 22, 14:41
my pistol carries 9 rounds {nm} Jul 22, 15:03
Again, I don't recall any mass shooting committed by criminals. Jul 22, 13:38
Why allow people to drive? They might hurt someone. {nm} Jul 22, 13:51
A car is a means of transport. An assault rifle is used for one thing only, to kill. {nm} Jul 22, 14:09
murder is about the most serious crime there is... Jul 22, 13:52
Yes, and again if they had access to higher yield explosives, how many more people would have been killed. {nm} Jul 22, 14:06
A Near total ban on private firearm ownership didn't stop the Norway shooter...nm Jul 22, 13:37
But, would it have been worse if he had easier access to assault rifles, and explosives? {nm} Jul 22, 13:41
Every able bodied Swiss male is given a full auto machine gun, and trained to use it. lowest gun crime Jul 22, 13:48
I don't have the stats, but I don't believe Americans are more prone to "going off". Jul 22, 13:58
VOD has been the future for last 30 years... the future has come and gone and the theatres still stand...you know why? Jul 22, 13:52
the theater "experience" is huge...the "shared experience" is even more of a draw...nm Jul 22, 15:44