Re: movie physics posts below-it IS possible to jump forward on a moving train. Depends how fast it is moving, Jul 09, 10:51
Wolverine does not have superhuman strength {nm} Jul 09, 10:54
superhuman fast-twitch muscle fibers, maybe? {nm} Jul 09, 11:00
no, he has healing factor, superhuman senses, and bones coated with metal, no superhuman strength {nm} Jul 09, 11:05
The air resistance on a bullet train speeding at 185mph will knock you back. {nm} Jul 09, 11:01
really, so what? its a comic book movie, its not real, none of it is real. As soon as you say, that could never happen" Jul 09, 11:09
I don't get your "it's only a movie" argument. Believability is the difference bwetween a good movie and a bad movie. {nm} Jul 09, 11:11
It is consistent with internal logic. That logic is that the character isn't bound by laws of science. Jul 09, 11:39
Each superhero has defined powers and weaknesses. Doesn't mean every superhero is automatically all-powerful. {nm} Jul 09, 14:08
My bar is my bar. I expect superheroes in superhero movies to act like superheroes. I dont think thats a low bar. {nm} Jul 09, 13:09
One of the great pleasures of "The Incredibles" is watching their superheroes work around limitations, i.e., before... Jul 09, 20:33
With Antibody on this one. Logic trumps stupidity. You can stretch logic to some point but we all have our limits. {nm} Jul 09, 11:49
Heat vision. Superman came from Krypton which had a much heavier gravity than Earth. {nm} Jul 09, 12:44
Superman gets his superpower from our yellow sun. {nm} Jul 09, 14:06
it has been etablished he has some kind of internal propulsion (ie flight) so he can travel down faster than gravity. {nm} Jul 09, 15:03