THR: Pirates 5 tracking for 90+ Million 4 day debut, Baywatch 37-40 for 5 day. May 04, 10:32
DL: [PIRT5] tracking 90-100 (4day); [BAYWT] 45-50 (5day) May 04, 10:36
Why such a discrepancy between THR's and DL's numbers for BAYWT? May 04, 11:09
DISNEy ransomed May 17, 05:46
KARTH and PRME2 probably aren't tracking well if they got skipped. {nm} May 04, 10:39
Or they just think Memorial Day is a bigger story... {nm} May 04, 11:06
(Or more likely, both of those trades were fed the same numbers by someone, either at one studio or another) {nm} May 04, 11:09
Yup.. .new NRG tracking just released includes Memorial Day releases. {nm} May 04, 11:15
KARTH and PRME2 are already on it. {nm} May 04, 11:16
Which has the same implication. umbers aren't big enough to be a story so the studio or another aren't feeding them the story. May 04, 11:15
No, it just means they both want to report on the newest numbers received. May 04, 11:19
They could've reported on KARTH for the past 2 weeks and PRME2 for the past week. {nm} May 04, 11:20
Sure...and if either of them was going to bomb, that would have been news, too. But clearly, they didn't have anything to say. May 04, 11:23
See BO's interpretation below. Looks like under-performance relative to their budget. {nm} May 04, 11:26