I sense you may be an extrovert, and may get "energy" from the crowd, and the communal experience. Which is great, but I do that maybe 1-2 times per year for a big movie, and that's it. At home I control everything, you can fast forward, rewind, turn it up, down, missed some dialogue ? Do whatever you want...you have no control in a theater...as well as people making noise, cell phone lights, sounds, distractions etc. Its just better at home. For me. and probably many people. Not that theatrical is dead. It will still be there, but many young people have grown up with streaming and that will expand, theatrical is certainly not "dead" either. Things will just look different.
In terms of WW2 money wise...if you get like 10 million subscibers to sign up at 10 bucks a month, thats 100 million...per month. After 12 months...that's your 1 billion dollars. They may get a lot more than 10 mil...probably 20 mil ? Once the pandemic is over...you can more quickly get your 1 billion in theaters, as opposed to waiting 12 months and retaining those customers...so that will still be the preference probably...for the biggest films...but anything of a certain budget..will become an interesting question...of will it go theatrical..or to a streamer. There will also maybe be less films in theaters so less competition, so some benefits too. (maybe 1 new film per week ? 2 max ?) It will still be there. (worst thing - probably theater count will go down, so bad for some locations, might have to drive further to see a movie...) I would worry about the small little theaters, in small communities that may not be near another theater, but other than that...people will still be able to see a movie, most likely. Things will just be different.