The Sun: Tom Cruise goes on a rant after crew members not following precautions on MISSION IMPOSSIBLE set. Dec 15, 16:32
Though it seems pretty well justified actually (crew members weren't following COVID-19 precautions) {nm} Dec 15, 16:34
Also, bonus, some new (I think) set photos and videos with him and Hayley Atwell {nm} Dec 15, 16:36
I hope he wasn't yelling at her. {nm} Dec 15, 17:39
they're jeopardizing the jobs they're lucky to have in the first place udring this pandemic {nm} Dec 15, 17:14
*during {nm} Dec 15, 17:14
I think Cruise is under more pressure than he's been on any other shoot since I'm sure he feels personally responsible for everyone. Dec 15, 17:39
Well that and he has two back to back Mission Impossible films vs just one to worry about. {nm} Dec 15, 17:58
Nope. Not at all. TOTALLY JUSTIFIED. Crew Members were Behaving like DRB's. COVID-19 is REAL & DEADLY. COVID-19 KILLS. Dec 16, 06:45
disagree. he's totally justified imo. grown-ass people need to stop acting so effing stupid, lazy and selfish. {nm} Dec 16, 07:59
You don't make a living in the industry, do you? {nm} Dec 16, 09:38
I was just thinking about this... Dec 16, 08:04